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cgzmfy 2012-09-26 15:21
Keith Lango VTS and Animation Tutorials(Keith Lango动画原理动画大师培训课程1至64中文字幕)翻译完成。

Keith Lango是一名独立动画师,作者,教师,导演与动画顾问,在过去的动画工作中,他参与了大量动画项目的制作,包括了从奥斯卡提名短剧到视频游戏剧场片,电视,故事片,在线动画,还有商业广告等。Keith还参与了多本动画书籍的编写。作为一名在多家公司任职的动画监制,Keith培训出了非常多热门动画师,他的动画教学在世界上很多的学校与大学中作为教材使用。他的在线的动画VTS被认为是全世界最棒的动画培训服务,全世界大量希望进入电影动画与游戏动画制作行业的学员都在使用他的培训服务。

Keith lango动画原理教学介绍:VTS教学系列是专为高端角色动画设计师提供的月度发行的视频教学。Keith lango出版本教学的目的在于分享他在电视,电影,游戏,视频行业中从事了10多年的专业角色设计师,动画监制与导演工作的经验。Keith lango已经培训了非常多的动画师,其中很多人都进入了全球顶级的动画公司,例如皮克斯(Pixar)。Keith lango说:“我在VTS中教授的内容与在我课堂上教授这些学生的内容完全一样。因此对于很多人来说,这会是一个让他们能够负担的起的学习专业动画知识的方式。”

cgzmfy 2012-10-21 12:20
Keith Lango VTS and Animation Tutorials(Keith Lango动画原理动画大师培训课程(36-64终结篇) 中文字幕)翻译完成。

cgzmfy 2012-10-21 12:21
VTS36 -- Animating to Music, part I : History & Basic Principles
Topics Covered: We look at the vanishing craft of how to time animation to work with music by analyzing the structural relationships that music and animation share in common.

VTS37 -- Animating to Music, part II : A Practical Example
Topics Covered: We look at applying the timing of animation to music by analyzing the structural relationships that music and animation share in common.

VTS38 -- Body Mechanics, Part 1: The Framework of Energy
Topics Covered: Body mechanics is a popular topic in animation. We look at it from a different point of view- analyzing the energy forces at work in any given motion and how those forces affect the motion- as well as how to accomplish the movement in animation.

VTS39 -- Body Mechanics, Part 2: The War Against Gravity
Topics Covered: In this video we look at how the ubiquitous energy of gravity in our world affects our movement. Emphasis is placed on grasping how to transition from the influence of one energy to another in motion.

VTS40 -- Body Mechanics, Part 3: Inertia
Topics Covered: Inertia is studied and examined to understand how it affects motion and stillness. We look especially at breaking down how inertia affects overlapping action.

VTS41 -- Cartoon Animation - APT Feedback Video
Topics Covered: This is a real feedback video that I created for one of my advanced APT students. He was learning high energy cartoon animation. This video comprises my teaching and example based teaching using his own work file as the platform for the lesson.
卡通动画 APT Feedback Video。这是我为我一个APT高级课程的学员制作的回复录像。他当时正在学习高能量卡通动画的制作。这个录像包含了我的教授与实例,使用他自己的作品作为本课程的平台。

VTS42 -- Putting it All Together- Animating a Scene, part1
Topics Covered: After 3.5 years of theory and ideas, now we start to show how it all flows togetr in a real world sense. So we start from the beginning of a scene and animate it, explaining every thought and action. In this video we cover scene planning and key pose blocking.

VTS43 -- Putting it All Together- Animating a Scene, part2
Topics Covered: After 3.5 years of theory and ideas, now we start to show how it all flows togetr in a real world sense. So we start from the beginning of a scene and animate it, explaining every thought and action. In this video we cover creating the primary (most important) breakdown that describes how we get from one keypose to the next..

VTS44 -- Putting it All Together- Animating a Scene, part3
Topics Covered: After 3.5 years of theory and ideas, now we start to show how it all flows togetr in a real world sense. In VTS 44 we look at adding in those all important breakdown drawings.

VTS45 -- Putting it All Together- Animating a Scene, part4
In this video we continue our series of animating a simple scene involving some physical action and dialog. The focus here is in creating secondary breakdowns and eases.

VTS46 -- Putting it All Together- Animating a Scene, part5
In this video we continue our series of animating a simple scene involving some physical action and dialog. The focus here is in getting the motion timed out properly.

VTS47 -- Polishing An Animated Scene
In this video we wrap up our series of animating a simple scene involving some physical action and dialog. The focus here is going over final polish.
修饰动画场景。 本教学接着前面的动画场景制作,进行最终修饰。

VTS48-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 1
In this video we begin a new type of scene to animate- we're doing a cool James Brown inspired dance! We'll take a look at how to use video reference to guide your planning stage.
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画一。在本教学中我们将开始对一种新的场景进行动画制作。制作的是一个很酷的James Brown舞蹈动画。我们将学习如何使用视频参考来进行规划。

VTS49-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 2
A continuation of the James Brown dance animation. This ZIP file also includes the thumbnail JPEGs that I worked out in VTS48 and a QT of the video reference that I studied in creating this project.
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画二。

VTS50-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 3
A continuation of the James Brown dance animation. We get through the shuffle backwards section of the dance-- blocking and cleaning at the same time.
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画三。

VTS51-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 4
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画四。

VTS52-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 5
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画五。

VTS53-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 6
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画六。

VTS54-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 7
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画七。

VTS55-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 8
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画八。

VTS56-- Animating a James Brown Dance: Part 9 Cleanup
制作一个James Brown舞蹈动画九。

VTS57-- APT Process Videos
Over 3.5 hours of "how I animate" videos previously only provided for students of the Animation personal Trainer course. The download link is for an index page.

VTS58-- Cartoon Animation, Part 1
Explore the vital differences in cartoon styled animation compared to more realism based approaches commonly seen in CG. Part 1 examines the importance of visual context.

VTS59-- Cartoon Animation, Part 2
Part 2 of cartoon animation looks at the abstract concept of shapes in motion vs. parts in motion. A thorough discussion of smear frames is included.
卡通动画制作二。本教学查看了动画中造型的抽象概念与造型动画的区别。本教学通彻的讨论了smear frames。

VTS60-- Cartoon Animation, Part 3
Part 3 of Cartoon Animation takes time to show in practical steps how to build animation using the concept of changing shapes instead of moving parts.

VTS61-- Cartoon Animation, Part 4
Part 4: Cartoon As A Unique Visual Language

VTS62 -- Basic Rigging for Animators Part 1: Blocking in the Cor
This series covers some basic use of free auto-rigging tools. This is a simplified approach to rigging for non-rigging types. The goal is to help animators bring their own characters to life rather than always rely on free rigs found online.

VTS63-- Animator Friendly Rigging Part 2: Skinning Your Dude
Part 2-- we look at some nice effective (and relatively non-painful) methods for skinning your character rig.

VTS64 -- Animator Friendly Rigging Part 3: Alternative Facial Ri
Here in Part 3 we look at some fun and interactive (and less tedious to set up) facial rigging concepts.

cgzmfy 2012-12-11 14:21
Gnomon | Fundamentals of Perspective 3 Three-Point Principles and Concepts with Gary Meyer(透视绘画教学3:三点透视原理 中文字幕)

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

cgzmfy 2013-03-13 13:29
Gnomon | Dynamic Figure Drawing: The Head with David Finch(动感人物绘画--头部 中文字幕)
David带领我们一步步的学习到他绘制人体头部的过程. 他从基本的头部造型开始, 然后从多个角度阐述了它的结构, 接着他集中处理了其他的一些细节,如眼睛,鼻子,耳朵,嘴唇,脖子,头发等.他还讨论了一些重要的标志性特色,比率等。DAVID还用他的这些原理来绘制了一系列的头部,包括了基本的男性,女性头部到英雄头部。最后他还讨论了对简单头部照明的处理帮你实现对明暗造型的处理.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

cgzmfy 2013-04-18 14:32
已翻译完成包括MAYA,动画原理,NAIAD 特效,Unreal游戏,houdini系列,绘画系列等。

cgzmfy 2013-06-05 14:48
Gnomon | Creating Plants in Maya/Mental Ray Forest Techniques, part One with Alex Alvarez(森林制作技术1:MAYA与Mental ray中照片级植物制作教学 中文字幕)

教学中,Alex将为大家讲解如何使用MAYA,Paint Effects还有mental ray来创建真实的植物。我们将先来学习基本的paint effect库,然后学习使用mia材质将笔触转换为可渲染的几何体。


我们将深入学习如何使用PAINT EFFECTS还有Ivy Generator tool工具来创建常青藤,还有如何将常青藤与植物分布到悬崖上的技术。所有相关的Paint Effects的设置都会被讲解到,这样我们就能创建自定义的植物库,最终我们就得到了一个照片级的森林小路。我们从零开始制作了各种蕨类植物,地面植被,吊兰等等,讲解了如何将它们继承到一个复杂的环境中。


cgzmfy 2013-06-25 15:55

cgzmfy 2013-09-15 12:21

cgzmfy 2014-04-06 14:50

cgzmfy 2014-08-19 14:08

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