jeans history-jeans clothing:cheap evisu jeans true religion jeans. 插画中国 - 中画网 - 中画论坛 - 职业插画师社区
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jeans history-jeans clothing:cheap evisu jeans true religion jeans.

The origin of jeans, in English called "Jeans", the first documented in 1567 is from the Italian port city of that Asia (Genoa) Andrew merchant sailor pants worn by the title, namely the Czech Republic "or" Genoese "Genes" . 60s from the 19th century began "Jeans" big names of the companies was formally adopted Levy, before the people in that it called "waist overalls" (Waist High Over all), "pants" (Pantaloons).
In people's minds, a classic pair of jeans should be like this:indigo Blue, cotton twill, buttocks tight, short in the crotch low waist design, trouser legs slightly smaller, copy button and track down hidden cables, bag stickers, signs and other decorative nails. However, the first pair of jeans is not like we imagined it. The originator of a pair of jeans - Levi company launched its 501 jeans can be said to be the classic pair of jeans. Now we on the process of its development to look back to a classic pair of jeans from the birth of the change.
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jeans28插画画廊 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[楼 主] | Posted:2009-05-09 20:35| 顶端

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