国外最新的名片设计,创意十分好,要多多学习~! 插画中国 - 中画网 - 中画论坛 - 职业插画师社区
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uid: 26047
级别: 论坛元老
精华: 96
发帖: 21757
威望: 12844 点
积分: 22703 分
推广值: 227 点
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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Make your partner work for your contact details. Let them scratch.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Let them find you easier. Make a mini map.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Decorate your card with a bit of fluff.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Cute fold out. Brings back old childhood memories.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Make it look like the product you're selling.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Ooops. It's an impression from my notes.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Add a bit of class and expense. Have gilded edges.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Add teeth impressions if you're a dentist. Thumb prints for a detective. You get the drift.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Spoof a famous logo.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Use shiny metal surface.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Write fun copy.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Pay extra for stylish embossing.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Use metallic ink and a metallic hole.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Teeth floss? Gross!
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Combine different papers.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Stay minimal and positive.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Use a thread.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Make an 3D plastic card.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Come up with a fun die-cut.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Dog tag theme.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Cat tail theme.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Use office scrap.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Use fun typography.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Blind date theme.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Simply square with no ink.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Funky shape.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Interchangeable insert in a generic cover.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Free one way ticket to the moon.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Demonstrate your skill.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Forensic evidence?
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Metal card. Doubles as a cake cutter.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Is this scratch and sniff or just generous use of white space.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Try the retro look.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Elegantly long and thin. Reminds me of a card I designed for a perfume shop that looked like a scent tester.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Transparent thin.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Transparent thick.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Camera obscura. In case the Nikon breaks it comes handy to get the job done.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Folded and playful.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Expandable rubber to test your strength. One more time. And, one more. One last time. Good job. Now, what was the number again?
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Reuse old cards for a second hand shop.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Get rid of the evidence you ever met the headhunter.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
A clear message from a debt recovery agent. If you don't pay I'll break your bones. Here's the x-ray of my last client broken finger as proof.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Business card for an acupuncturist with small holes to demonstrate what will happen to your skin.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Perforated cards demonstrate what a separation lawyers does.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
If you don't want to separate you can consider marriage counseling with a help of scotch tape.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
There is nothing better then a little freebie. In this case a few seeds demonstrating how lush can make your place greener.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
A balloon visiting card for a chest physician that is only legible when inflated demonstrates how important it is to have healthy lungs.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Pieces of broken pottery are used to hold the name and phone number for a greek restaurant.

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

A set of semi-transparent layers allows you to mix and match clothes on the illustrated girl. (Click the image for a larger size.)
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org



lendozheng插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/26047
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[b][color=#42ffbc]~没有能不能 只有敢不敢,可以不要牛奶.面包,但不可以不要尊严,可以没有金钱.地位,但不可以没有人格,富有人人向往,但必须用智慧和勤劳去创造,才能获得物质和精神的双重富有.........[/color][/b]
[楼 主] | Posted:2008-08-21 15:39| 顶端

uid: 325390
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 2
威望: 39 点
积分: 33 分
推广值: 0 点
查看作者画廊 引用回复这个帖子

真不错 [s:1]



快乐格格插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/325390
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[1 楼] | Posted:2008-09-02 09:02| 顶端

uid: 353596
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 1
威望: 13 点
积分: 12 分
推广值: 0 点
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这个名片只能哪来欣赏的,现实生活中几乎不会做到这样的名片 [s:4]



lalaxiaoxi插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/353596
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[2 楼] | Posted:2008-12-15 13:11| 顶端

uid: 334021
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 0
威望: 9 点
积分: 8 分
推广值: 0 点
查看作者画廊 引用回复这个帖子

very impressive and really interesting!



rhinestone插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/334021
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[3 楼] | Posted:2009-01-30 14:06| 顶端

插画中国 -> Pagemaker与Indesign印刷排版等印前技术、美编讨论区

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