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uid: 413004
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 1
威望: 6 点
积分: 5 分
推广值: 0 点
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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org



kelvinvt插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/413004
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[楼 主] | Posted:2010-05-06 10:13| 顶端

uid: 413951
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 0
威望: 8 点
积分: 7 分
推广值: 0 点
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1. Use Fear Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses wow power leveling Only When Soloing: The first warlock tip revolves around the fear spell. Fear causes a mob that the warlock is fighting to run away from the warlock. This works well outside of instances or many of the caverns that wedding dresses dot the game world's landscape. Inside an instance, using fear is a good way for the warlock to cause his group to wipe. 2. Use Curse of Recklessness Indoors:The second warlock tip involves the spell curse of recklessness. While using the spell may lower the DPS dealt by the warlock slightly, the spell prevents a mob from running. wow power leveling It also prevents fear effects from being used on the target of the spell. The only problem with curse of recklessness is that it is not always advantageous. In some situations it curse of recklessness might be detrimental. A good way to use it is to wow gold do as much damage to the mob using dots as possible and then switch to curse of recklessness when a mob is low on health to keep it from running.3. Pet Control is Vital:Much like hunters must be aware of what there pet is doing, warlocks must prevent the problems their pets can cause for precisely the same reasons. rolex So, the third warlock tip is for the player of a warlock character to be aware of where his pet is, what is pet is doing, and know how to control or dismiss the pet when necessary. In an instance, a pet should be put on passive. This will prevent an imp, warlock, succubus or felhunter from attacking any mob unless directed to do so by his summoner.Tips and advice on how to play a warlock better may be found on the official World of Warcraft forums , wedding dresses and guild mates are good sources of additional advice. If all else fails, cxycsdfsiwer bugging a higher level warlock in game is a plausible, but not always successful tactic to get good advice from an experienced player of the class. cxy



qiuqiu320插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/413951
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[1 楼] | Posted:2010-05-19 14:00| 顶端

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