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uid: 26047
级别: 论坛元老
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2008 Design Trends 2008设计趋势

2008 Design Trends
About a year ago, I compiled a huge list of
artistic sites
. It seems like the trend has carried on in 2008 and is growing stronger (thank God the glossy style is gone). So what’s hot now? Pencil sketches, handwritten notes, card stocks, watercolor effects, collage art, script fonts, grungy and splatter ink backgrounds (glossy gradients are not "in" this year). Another trend to be on the lookout for are the
vintage and retro styles
which I’ve posted earlier this year. Here is a list of 82 sites picked from
Best Web Gallery
that show the current design trends.
Vintage / Retro Styles   复古怀旧

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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Handwritten Notes and Paper Clips 手写便签和纸夹

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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Grungy 邋遢嘈杂

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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Splatter Ink 泼墨

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Watercolor   水彩

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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Collage 抽象拼贴

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Sketches and Handwritten Fonts   素描与手写体

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Big Fonts   大字

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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Script Fonts 手写体

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Wood Pattern 木纹

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

Zig Zag Pattern 破浪形

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

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lendozheng插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/26047
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[b][color=#42ffbc]~没有能不能 只有敢不敢,可以不要牛奶.面包,但不可以不要尊严,可以没有金钱.地位,但不可以没有人格,富有人人向往,但必须用智慧和勤劳去创造,才能获得物质和精神的双重富有.........[/color][/b]
[楼 主] | Posted:2008-10-09 11:59| 顶端

uid: 26047
级别: 论坛元老
精华: 96
发帖: 21757
威望: 12844 点
积分: 22703 分
推广值: 227 点
查看作者画廊 引用回复这个帖子

传媒及文化领域渗透的空泛与疲乏问题,亦是设计界必须面对的。图形设计过分强调矢量图案,而这些几乎只是纯装饰,没有实质内容" 。
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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
与平面设计相类似,网络世界到处充斥着WEB 2.0式的网站设计风格。这些网站看起来十分相像,一样的界面,过多的信息,2008需要的则是更多的革新性和独特的创意。
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
新的设计工具可以是新软件,亦可以是传统方法。「我们正在愈来愈多地采用摄影,以及更多的规划与思考」,动画设计师说:「更多大型静止动画正在诞生,尤其是独立短片。将有更多看起来像是静止运动摄影的3D动画」,如Tim Burton和Lemony Snicket的A Series of Unfortunate Events.

大型应用程序的更新并没有让世界兴奋,却使融合迅速发生。 CS3从其它产品借取不同功能 – 使速度变得奇慢,应用十分不便。人们需要的是精简、优化的软件,能在其最擅长的方面做到最好。
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插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org

[ 此贴被lendozheng在2008-10-09 12:12重新编辑 ]



lendozheng插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/26047
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[b][color=#42ffbc]~没有能不能 只有敢不敢,可以不要牛奶.面包,但不可以不要尊严,可以没有金钱.地位,但不可以没有人格,富有人人向往,但必须用智慧和勤劳去创造,才能获得物质和精神的双重富有.........[/color][/b]
[1 楼] | Posted:2008-10-09 12:02| 顶端

uid: 26047
级别: 论坛元老
精华: 96
发帖: 21757
威望: 12844 点
积分: 22703 分
推广值: 227 点
查看作者画廊 引用回复这个帖子


Design Trends 2008----Time for a change: why top creatives are predicting a shake-up
----from Computer Arts (the world’s best-selling creative magazine) Issued Jan 2008
Words: Craig Grannell Illustration: Linn Olofsdotter
Top designers give us their views on 2007 that “the most conspicuous trend has been conformity – more and more work looks and sounds the same” and “Creativity is retreating into the world of branding.” Meanwhile, they also give their predictions for 2008, and tell us why the industry desperately needs a shake-up.
It is clear there’s need for change to brush away the vacuous and the exhausted – problems seemingly permeating all areas of media and culture. “Heavily graphic-design-led vector imagery needs to move on. It's almost pure decoration with no substance.”
Online, it’s the “2.0” look that’s outstayed its welcome. “Web 2.0 sites all look the same, with clumsy interfaces and too much information to keep track of. I hope 2008 brings less of the ‘2.0’ style and more personality, rich with innovative, unique ideas.”
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Even the area of typography doesn’t escape lightly. “Customers are beginning to expect customized solutions to typographic problems.” The least designers can do is make existing fonts fit a specific purpose. “Type is the most prevalent and important for all communication, so it needs to be treated with the proper respect and tools.”
Thus, the attitude that needs to prevail in 2008 is “There’ll be more thinking before doing.”
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Think before doing
A number of designers reckon a return to tradition is on the cards. “I’m noticing resurgence in the popularity of hand-crafted artwork – paint, print and the hand-drawn lines are coming back with a vengeance. Most people are no longer being blindly impressed with digital work, but hanker for something more human.
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Type design will become increasingly complex. “There are many eyesore fonts being produced.” We’ll increasingly see designers tweaking individual characters to fit designs in unique ways, flipping shapes and overhauling whole letters into something completely new.
More boundary-blurring between graphic designers and illustrators is also on the cards. Designs will evolve into more organic forms, and flowery illustration may give way to forms based on geometric shapes and grids: “You can summarize next year style-wise as Antoni Gaudi’s architecture meets Bauhaus and art deco.”
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Blurring Boundaries
The boundaries are blurring between 3D, stop-frame, illustration and animation. 2008 will bring more “thinking” to the interactive meaning of a piece and interesting interactive experience. “We are re-evaluating the idea of what is a ‘creative’ is and what a ‘designer’ is. A good designer will have to move around in mediums and not be scared to pick up new tools to get ideas across.”
While such tools might be new software, they may also relate to traditional method. “Increasingly, work we are taking on and pitching involves more photography, and much more planning and thought.” Motion-graphics designer said that “More large-scale stop-motion is coming up, especially in self-initiated short films. There will be more 3D animation that’s simulated to look like stop-motion photography” Like Tim Burton and Lemony Snicket A Series of Unfortunate Events.
插画中国原创插画 http://bbs.chahua.org
Convergence and crashes
Underwhelming updates to major applications haven’t set the world alight and the rush towards convergence is beginning to grate. CS3 marry features from different products – it slows everything down and things get buggy. “People need lean, mean, optimized software that does what it does best”.
Hardware has perhaps had a better time of it in 2007: “Wacom already has cheaper devices available for sketching, and Apple’s developing touch-screen technology in the iPhone and iPods.
But “any new technology won’t massively change how we work – in terms of skills for creative people, it’s always going to be about getting the basics right and being a good thinker.”
The money game
“A great deal of advertising money is being clumsily dumped into online and budgets are all over the place”, and thus more and more poster sites will go digital during 2008.
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“A conspicuous trend in 2007 has been the way many businesses behave ever more like their clients and the first description for themselves is financial information related to size or success.” This may due to clients expectations. And clients are becoming more demanding and expect to see an ever-widening range of integrated ideas, rather than the standard marketing forms.
But design business can be not merely an engine of selfish wealth creation, or a more intelligent agenda about improving the quality and sustainability of our lives.
Coping with clients
In online projects, clients now appear less interested in pixel-perfect precision within branding sites and more concerned with deep linking, Facebook integration and tracking site usage to link in with current events. “In 2008, clients will demand still more technical emphasis, but designers must ensure technology being used for a good reason, and make sure users have a fun experience with it.”
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The future is inevitably a re-emergency of creativity. The financially rapacious companies that have come to dominate so-called creativity today will be overtaken by creators – ones for whom the driving ambition is not just simply making more money.



lendozheng插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/26047
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[b][color=#42ffbc]~没有能不能 只有敢不敢,可以不要牛奶.面包,但不可以不要尊严,可以没有金钱.地位,但不可以没有人格,富有人人向往,但必须用智慧和勤劳去创造,才能获得物质和精神的双重富有.........[/color][/b]
[2 楼] | Posted:2008-10-09 12:15| 顶端

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