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uid: 268995
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个人非常喜欢地人  官网:http://www.furiae.com/index.php?view=gallery
第一个是肤色地问题  我英文不好 大家凑合看
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Nose tutorial

First off - this isn't exactly how I do the noses. These steps come quite natural to me and I don't really stop to think about them. Usually, I end up painting over, repainting, changing, and ditching several noses before I find one I like. Furthermore, I don't actually paint in the 'lines' when I paint a nose, I just think them. I'm just trying to explain, here, how it could be done, yes?

Step one - placement and angle
Anyway - start off with getting the basic features of the face down - mainly to decide such things as light source, and what kind of nose we're looking for [1]. No need to go overboard, let's keep this sloppy. Usually, while I refine the nose, I refine the rest of the features at the same time - but I'll leave them like this now.
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[楼 主] | Posted:2008-02-12 15:32| 顶端

uid: 268995
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Step two - finding the shape
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Paint - on a separate layer - an elliptic dot right between the eyes [2]. Then follow a lightly curved line downwards, and paint a triangle - similar to the one in this picture. Adapt the triangle to the angle of the face. If it's not seen in profile, or straight on, it'll be a little smaller on the side of the face turned away from us. Like in the example here.

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[1 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 15:34| 顶端

uid: 268995
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Paint two slightly curved lines leading down from the dot [3]. Let one of them impact with the triangle right above its peak, while the other touches the edge of the triangle. When you've done this, you've isolated the upper part of the nose. A mistake I've seen many make is to keep this part very flat as if the nose consisted of bits of plastic glued together. It's soft edged, and when we're done, there won't be any sharp black lines like this. Unless you're doing a linework drawing, don't ever, ever, ever keep black lines in.

Step three - refining the shapes
Next thing you do, is realise that the end of the nose tip is not sharp and flat like in the 'sketch'. It's rounded. Likewise, the shadow underneath the nose will not really be shaped like a triangle for the most part. So, do a softer curve - like a little wave [4]. When you've done this, you can do a quick horizontal switch of your canvas to see if you've got it down properly.

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After you've done this, simply paint over the dot. It's likely that this area will be brighter than the rest of the nose, so we'll go with that here. Also, soften the dark lines with a light colour - and follow the end of what used to be the triangle, and curve it upwards (like half a circle) towards the line - like viewed in [5].

You now have the bridge of the nose, and the upper curve of the nostril (this curve is usually not this visible, but we'll take care of that as we progress).
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The side of the nose needs to be defined, too. Imagine it an area (though not a flat area, but one nevertheless) that angles down a little, and then almost straight to the triangle as viewed in the example [6]. Do -not- paint the red lines in, just the dark one.

Step four - finding the nose under the lines
The area that you sketched out in example [6] is now to be painted in. Don't be afraid to paint over the shape of the nostril, nor the lines - but fill that area with a lightly shaded hue. In this picture, the shadow isn't too stark - and I suggest you make it a soft shadow, too. As you can see in the example [7], I haven't entirely painted over the shape of the nostril, but it is only hinted at now.



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[2 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 15:38| 顶端

uid: 268995
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Next thing we do now is to zoom in, and to paint over the dark lines. Also, the triangle needs to be worked on - we've left it untouched so far. Let the visible nostril follow the line of the triangle and soften the transition from dark to light a little [8]. Don't touch anything on the nose 'cept for the triangle area, and the one that you've recently filled in.

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Continue doing this, until you have completely hidden the lines [9] and you see the nose instead of the sketch of it. Instead of defining the nose by lines, we're now defining it by some rather subtle changes of colours and shadows. Also - chances are that you'd see the second nostril as a shadow on the far side of the nose - note that I've added a small hint at it now.

Step five - highlights and shadows



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[3 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 15:43| 顶端

uid: 268995
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Now, the nose in the previous example looks rather flat. To work against this, carefully bring forward highlights and shadows all over the nose with subtle, delicate hues. Find the highlight on the tip of the nose - but do not exaggerate it, and continue to find the curve of the nostril, and the angle of the nose tip not through lines but through colours [10]. I picked the colour on the highlight from the brighter area at the bridge of the nose - since it's surrounded by a darker shade, it will appear to be brighter.

The tip of the nose is defined here - depending on where you put the highlights on the tip, the nose will change shapes - it's interesting to view. Try to move it around a little 'til you find a place that accentuates the shape that you want.

A zoomed out picture of the progress now [11] shows a nose that has both shape and softness through the way we've worked so far. The difference of hue and brightness between cheek and nose easily shows where the nose begins to 'rise' from the shape of the face.
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All that is needed now is refinement of the highlights and colours. This is a process I can't really explain, as such, but I'll give you two examples [12], [13] to show how it might look. You've got the shape of the nose down now - don't be afraid to play around with highlights and shadows. In case you want a more contrasted nose, with starker shading, you can still use these basic shapes to figure out how to work with darker shadows.

Think of the areas we defined earlier and work from that point until you've learned the shapes in a way that will let you do all of this automatically :)

The picture - really just a quick sketch, ended up like this:



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[4 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 15:47| 顶端

uid: 268995
级别: 新手上路
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[5 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 15:48| 顶端

uid: 268995
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I've finally put together the tutorial that I did some time ago. I thought I'd share :)

Painting an Eye
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The eye is probably the most catching thing about the human face. It's where we're looking when we're talking to people. It's where tears emerge from, it's where we indicate what we're looking at and often what we're thinking about what we see. If you're doing a painting and you do everything beautifully but you make the eyes look dead... then that's it, you've not painted a human, you've painted a mannequin. A dead thing.



旋齿鲨插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/268995
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[6 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 16:19| 顶端

uid: 268995
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Instructions: Let us start with a blank piece of paper, only make it flesh coloured instead. Picking a good first colour for skin usually has some impact on all the other colours one will pick thereafter - for this reason, it's always pretty vital to start off in a good way. Not too pink, not too orange, and not too saturated.

Common mistakes: Using a colour that is too saturated or too grey. A colour that is too orange or too pink. Try to find the middle ground, it will affect the rest of the painting.
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Instructions: Secondly, sketching a really, really simple eye. There are some things here that people tend to forget. The first one is that there is a lid below the eye as well as above it. Without this lid, the eye will sit very unnaturally in the face. Secondly, we have the corner of the eye - you know, that small bit where the eye starts, where all the tears come from? Leaving these things out are among the most common mistakes when it comes to painting eyes.

Let's keep these 'sketch lines' on an entirely separate layer, on top of everything else.

Common mistakes: Forgetting the lower lid. Forgetting the corner of the eye.
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nstructions: Next, we try to get the feel for the shape of the eye. If we shade the bottom eyelid, and highlight the upper one, we suddenly see something emerge. A flat eyeball will mess the entire eye up, so it is very important that we get the roundness
through. But the truth of the matter is that the area surrounding the eye should be showing the shape of the eyeball itself. The eyeball is white and you won't be able to show much of its roundness because most of it is hidden, but by shading the lids you'll give the same message without making the eye look like it is bulging. I'm using a warm pink here to highlight, and a desaturated brown for the shadow. This will all change though.



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[7 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 16:27| 顶端

uid: 268995
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Try to imagine that there are lines running across your face, showing the shape of it - it's sometimes hard to tell how the structure lies by just looking at something. Better yet, if you are ever inclined, paint straight lines running down your face and take a photo of it. You'll see that the lines look everything but straight when you look in a mirror - in fact, you might discover an entirely new way of looking at your own features (I once did this, believe it or not: it took a while to wash all the makeup off afterwards).

When you shade, keep these lines in mind. Don't paint them in unless you feel you absolutely have to (and if so, on a separate layer), but try to imagine them while you shade.

Common mistakes: Imagining the eyeball not as round, but as elliptic. Shading the surrounding area as well as the eyeball as if it is the shape and size of what shows, not what is hidden behind lid and flesh.
Try to imagine that there are lines running across your face, showing the shape of it - it's sometimes hard to tell how the structure lies by just looking at something. Better yet, if you are ever inclined, paint straight lines running down your face and take a photo of it. You'll see that the lines look everything but straight when you look in a mirror - in fact, you might discover an entirely new way of looking at your own features (I once did this, believe it or not: it took a while to wash all the makeup off afterwards).

When you shade, keep these lines in mind. Don't paint them in unless you feel you absolutely have to (and if so, on a separate layer), but try to imagine them while you shade.

Common mistakes: Imagining the eyeball not as round, but as elliptic. Shading the surrounding area as well as the eyeball as if it is the shape and size of what shows, not what is hidden behind lid and flesh.
Try to imagine that there are lines running across your face, showing the shape of it - it's sometimes hard to tell how the structure lies by just looking at something. Better yet, if you are ever inclined, paint straight lines running down your face and take a photo of it. You'll see that the lines look everything but straight when you look in a mirror - in fact, you might discover an entirely new way of looking at your own features (I once did this, believe it or not: it took a while to wash all the makeup off afterwards).

When you shade, keep these lines in mind. Don't paint them in unless you feel you absolutely have to (and if so, on a separate layer), but try to imagine them while you shade.

Common mistakes: Imagining the eyeball not as round, but as elliptic. Shading the surrounding area as well as the eyeball as if it is the shape and size of what shows, not what is hidden behind lid and flesh.
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Instructions:So, first I'll build the area around the eye up. I do this by picking a highlight (in this case, the same one that I used for the eyelid) and I figure out where the light would fall.

People have different shapes of eyes, but a rule of thumb is that you'll have a soft, pillowed area just below the eyebrow (along the entire length, actually, though I've only highlighted part of it here - the other part 'pops' out because I've shaded below and above), one upon the cheekbone and then it'll always help to make the area just around the corner of the eye look a little less flat. Close your eye and gently trace the shape with your fingertips. You'll have the swell of the eyelid, the area below the eyebrow and then the cheekbone, right? Remember that an area like this is likely to leave a shadow below.

The problem here, of course, is that we're not painting the entire face - it's easier to fit an eye in when there is something to fit it into.

Common mistakes: Too stark shading. Using pure black or even lines to show edges.



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[8 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 16:32| 顶端

uid: 268995
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Instructions: After this (watch the animation for, perhaps, a few more visuals on exactly what happens between these two stages), we need to define the areas that I only very quickly blurred in on the previous stage. I'm working with soft edged brushes here, all along. In some places, I'll shift to a custom brush that is round but has slightly torn edges.

Pick warmer, more saturated colours. You can highlight and shade by using colours alone. Work shadows into the eyebrow, but more importantly accentuate the eye itself by shading the lower lid more and also adding some shape to the upper lid. Again, touch your own eyelid (now carefully, keep your eye open), it sticks out a little but not too much. A common mistake is to make the upper eyelid look huge, and to forget the crease that shows that while you've got your eye open, the lid is slightly folded back.

Now, we're going to be tricksy. Instead of just shadowing with dark colours underneath the eye and accomplish a look like an alcoholic that hasn't slept for five days, we're going to find the shapes with a combination of highlights and shadows. Never forget that across the planes and curves of a face, the values will be flowing. You'll have light reflecting differently on the different types of skin (often oilier below the eyes, around the nose, moist on the lips). You'll have a few sharper creases (like upper eyelid) and then creases that soften out (like the one on the lower eyelid, which smoothens as it reaches the corner of the eye). A face does not consist only of highlighted cheekbones, nose, lips and chin - it has all kinds of hills and valleys, and however good you become at painting, it will always look flat, false, and fake until you understand these shapes.

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Common mistakes: Accentuating all the creases and folds only with shadows instead of highlights.
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Instructions: Trying to find shapes with a combination of highlights and shadows isn't always easy, but it's far more effective (to me, anyway) than trying to find it by using lines. For the most part, I won't even have the sketch lines here, they're merely here to demonstrate the shape of the eye as I build the face up around it.

Once more, accentuating the curves, planes and folds with a combination of lighter and darker areas. We're using no black, we're using no white. All variations of the same skin tone. Now - if you're clever, the highlighted area underneath the eye will have a slightly more bluish tone (as the skin here is extremely thin and the vessels underneath have a tendency of showing colour though), and use warmer highlights for the other parts of the face. If you pick the colours directly off this demonstration, you'll see that when I say 'bluish', I don't mean actually blue.

Taking a look, you'll see that in spite of the eyeball itself not having been drawn in, the eye already has shape!



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[9 楼] | Posted:2008-02-12 16:39| 顶端
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