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插画中国 -> 游戏原画、奇幻插画、概念插画设计(原创) -> [电脑绘画][招聘]
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uid: 417638
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 3
威望: 7 点
积分: 6 分
推广值: 0 点
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齐鲁动漫游戏产业基地 济南天和世纪动漫设计有限公司(Tenhocg Animation Design Co., Ltd)


    Tenho comes from a just cause enjoys abundant support while an-Heaven and Earth, Its culture core is HO in the unique concept of life of Chinese Ethnic Peoples.In the devolution of heaert for five thousand years, it evolues a kind of spirit and sublimates a kind of realm. Heaven and Earthsets forth a kind of thought and extols a kind of spirit, being in tune with trends in social and cultural development,and guided our life. To enjoying leads cause to prosperity. Everything goes well.

    Tenhocg is a professional Animation company. It is an Animation- orientated business,and provided service for crystex of origind design, around animation,animation software,multimedia and virtual reality.The elite and professional team in the Tenhocg are proficiency in characteristics of the modern media and professional making skills. In order to communicate with customer, they design difference operation mode for customer.Members in the Tenhocg team are expert performers in the aree disciplinari of animation design.

    Company is equiped with high-performance dual graphics workstation,node-type rendering platform,the number of non-linear editing system and surpass the advanced motion capture system in the homeland,which provides strong software and hardware support for making high-quality CG Image.

    We devote to developing ourselves origind animation industry. Our aims are developing yielding,learning and studying as one manga system. At present,the main production line is three-dimensional animation, which develops origind design, production, training,forschung und entwicklung as one system. And animation talents are working for Tenhocg. So we are your best selection.

Originality:newly inputing,effotrs for the best animation

Creation:adapt to developing,prepare for the future well

Innovation:willing to innovate,initiate ourselves animation way

工作地点: 济南齐鲁动漫游戏产业基地
工资待遇:长期稳定全职 有兴趣的朋友欢迎加入设计团队
联系方式:QQ 1016000652
电话: 13864188365 15953164827 0531-87154321




host32插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/417638
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[楼 主] | Posted:2010-07-21 09:27| 顶端

插画中国 -> 游戏原画、奇幻插画、概念插画设计(原创)

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