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uid: 413282
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 1
威望: 7 点
积分: 6 分
推广值: 0 点
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路仁爱插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/413282
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[楼 主] | Posted:2010-05-09 03:46| 顶端

uid: 413951
级别: 新手上路
精华: 0
发帖: 0
威望: 8 点
积分: 7 分
推广值: 0 点
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Learn How Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses aion gold To Make Gold As A Newbie (lvls 6-10) Did you just start a playing WoW or do you have a brand new character and want to learn how to make gold very quickly? This guide is just for you! I have found this on the internet and I feel it will help a lot of newbies to get started and even some people that just started playing on the brand new servers wow power leveling and wants to make gold quickly at the lower levels in the game! Start as Skinner and a Herbalist or Miner for a while to gather resources. You may have to travel to a main town to learn these skills early - but its wow gold worth doing early. Skinner as you will be killing many skinable mobs early on, and either Herbalist or Miner as the radar marker conflicts - you cant have both a Herbalist and Miner radar blip on. I have "toons" that are both Skinner, Herbalist and Skinner, Miner ... I think the coin generated is a little better as a Miner (esp as you get occ. gem drops in ore placements), but if you choose a dark-elf as a race go herbalist as wedding dresses the starting area has no mining resources - there may be an equivalent horde race ! Collect 6 slot bags as quickly as possible ... some will drop as loot, others can be bought from tailors ... you can do a /who and /tell and offer to buy COD (cash on delivery) via the mail system so you Replica rolex dont have to buy from an NPC vendor or go to an Auction House before you are ready. Have a "mule" sitting in your factions Auction House Town (eg. Ironforge for Alliance) - create a character that is closest to the Auction House Town .. best a dwarf or gnome for easy access to Ironforge - Humans need to travel via Stormwind and the Underground tram system, Dark-Elves have to travel Handbags Replica via foot for about 20 minutes through dangerous territory to get anywhere near Ironforge for the first time ... place your character very near a mailbox that is not busy. There are two cxycsdfsiwer mailboxes near the Auction House in Ironforge - one is always crowded . cxy



qiuqiu320插画画廊 http://chahua.com/u/413951
http://cg.chahua.org 中国插画画廊-插画师作品展示中心
[1 楼] | Posted:2010-05-19 13:51| 顶端

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